Presentation of project results in a media broadcast
On 30.01.2024, part of the results of the research project “Determinants of the Future-Oriented Knowledge and Skills of the Bulgarian High School Students’ – Language Literacy, Learning and Goal-Setting Masteries” were presented in Studio “Actualno”. Education is key to human development and in the context of the unfavourable demographic development of Bulgaria and other ageing societies. Among the crucial policy responses to the social and economic challenges of ageing and shrinking societies in our time is the provision of appropriate and high-quality education for students. Influencing the determinants of academic achievement is part of the path in this direction. The most impactful determinants of educational performance in Bulgaria are the socio-economic and cultural status of students. The country’s education system faces the responsibility of facilitating the mitigation of social inequalities that are reproduced across generations, which it is not yet well addressed. Two other determinants – discipline and bullying – come next.